Will international students survive in America?

Komentar · 2084 Tampilan

Due to the outbreak of COVID19 from some corners of the world to almost every state of the of every country, people have largely affected in different ways and forms. It would be completely naive and irrelevant to say that the job market and the education industries will survive this wave

So, Is the outbreak of COVID19, our destiny? Is this going to be the apocalypse, just the way we see in movies? Or, do we have a chance to look at this opportunity from a positive viewpoint?

To bring some light to the current situation we can focus on a few sectors to elaborate on the aftermath of the outbreak.

As we all know that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has not approved or gone ahead with the visa interviews for the nation's security. Imagine the effort that was put in by a particular individual for achieving a dream to pursue higher education and a great career that was washed out ruthlessly by COVID19 in a matter of three months. This leads to another point where the nation cannot make enough revenue through the education sector. Fewer students learn which leads to less growth of the nation and to be precise worldwide.

An individual spends close to $50,000 on education for masters level in any specialization, thus we can imagine if a ginormous amount of rejections on visa's and admits from universities can cause to the nation's economy. But if we focus on students that have already completed their masters or higher education in December 2019 are experiencing even a harder phase as they have the burden of student loans on their back and tons of anxiety to run through to find a job in this dead market. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offers 90 days for every international student to prove that they can work and survive in the U.S. with a valid work permit and students also get the benefit of Optional Practical Training (OPT) to get real-world exposure and experience. With the whole COVID situation, people have lost jobs, closed job postings and also not ready to interview anymore due to safety and budget cuts.

Students have experienced challenges before and will always, as it was always challenging to receive work authorization and work permit in a foreign country for international students. So will this be the end of this era or industry due to this outbreak?

The answer is No! As we all know that a stone that can act as an obstacle for an individual can be a stepping stone for another individual. Recently, many job portals and employers have provided a helping hand to various communities and students with premium LinkedIn profile subscriptions for them to boost their job search. This is the time when we fall and this is the time we help, as we all know that the future cannot be predicted and all we can remember in the end is a kind deed. Great opportunities are waiting for folks who can work and function remotely and the U.S. Government is taking the initiative to help the working-class people, which is also followed by other developed and developing nations. During a recent project related to the spread and stats of COVID19, I had this great opportunity to study the outbreak and the people affected along with recovered individuals and the number of recovered individuals is higher and higher by every second, which proves that we are moving towards the light and a virus is not going to determine our destiny.
