A Pandemic Job Hunt

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Job Hunt during a Pandemic is hard. My connections, if you know of an opportunity that you think will match or challenge my potential, please let me know and help me if you can.

Among #laidoff and #cancelledoffers posts, I thought this was less important but now, posting for my own good.

Been looking for opportunities ever since I quit my latest job (Sr.BDA). Companies reject me for my previous job shifts. I have a reputation for being a good team player and being good at my work but I have also gained a reputation for too many job shifts. I have been associated with media, finance, SaaS educational e-commerce industries. I have been doing sales and writing mostly. I only wanted to try different roles and job natures but my approach didn't do well.
At the same time, I am thankful for the lessons I have learned, the amazing people I have met, and the wonderful teams I have worked for. They made me a better person and hence, a good rapport with all my employers.

I am almost 25 and a mountain of responsibilities and goals lie ahead. Henceforth, I will strive to gain an in-depth experience at my next job, make sure I stay longer because I want to make my mark. No more short-lived job commitments.

With a stronger promise, fighting anxiety, insecurity, I come forth with my truth. My connections, if you know of an opportunity that you think will match or challenge my potential, please let me know and help me if you can.

#jobsearch #jobhunt
